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About Us



Membership to the National Anguilla Club continues to grow. The reason for this is a growing interest in the species (in part due to the activity of NAC members to highlight the Eel in the press and on the internet). The specialist groups were born out of a wish to communicate with fellow enthusiasts, in modern times this is made easier by the use of the internet, and for NAC members that means the NAC forum. A condition of registration is that members use their full name as user name.



​                NAC Events:


  • AGM - Held in March

  • Winter Social - Held In November

  • Fish-In's

  • Details In AnguillA and On Forum


For more information on NAC events e-mail



Catch Returns:


All members are expected to complete a catch return every October and forward it to the Records Officer. No trophies can be awarded unless a catch return has been submitted - likewise inclusion into the top 50 list is on condition of catch return submission. You can download a catch return form here. please either post or e-mail to:

  Committee Contact Details:


President: John Davis



Chairman: Barry McConnell



General Secretary: Jackie Proud



Treasurer: Jason Webb



Membership Secretary: Ade Lees



Bulletin Team: Rich Swan



Records Officer: Tony Kellner



Environmental Officer: Vacant



Social Officers: Jay Proud & Stuart Dean



Products Officer: Vacant



Internet Officer: Jason Webb



  Vice Presidents:

  Andrea o'Sullivan

  Pat Huish

  Erica Richardson

  Steve Richardson

  Nick Rose



              The National Anguilla Club was formed for eel angling specialist in 1962. It is one of the longest, if not the longest continuously running specimen groups ever formed.  The eight founder members were AJ Sutton, G Moss, J Larly, N Game, J G Bellamy, J Gibbinson, J Smith, and K Dickens.


              The club was formed to study Anguilla Anguilla the freshwater eel and being fishermen, catching them as well. During those early years extensive study was made using the otolith bone, situated in the eel’s head, mainly to assess the eels age this involved killing the eels and extracting the bone. Eels were 95% more abundant in those days but this practice was stopped early on in the clubs life due to eel welfare.

Since then the club has flourished all be it with few but very enthusiastic members whose numbers usually ranges these days between 90 and 100 enthusiasts. In the past this has been down to 10 and up to over 100 members. (current membership stands at over 100 members including a small Junior membership)


          The club has a structured set of rules and a constitution, but only as a framework for democratic processes at the Annual General Meeting, which usually has an attendance of 50% of the membership. We provide members with one Club Magazine and Newsletter each year and expect all members to contribute to the magazine via the Editor. Also return catch returns and news items for inclusion into the Newsletters.


           The club is actively involved in angling politics with emphasis on the preservation and conservation of eels and eel angling. We have in the past worked with other eel groups and formed the “Eel Conservation Society” which was absorbed into the NAC a few years later as their political wing. We have also been closely involved with initially The National Association of Specimen Groups, which turned into The National Association of Specialist Anglers then The Specialist Anglers Conservation Group, The Specialist Anglers Alliance, and finally the Angling Trust.


          During its years the NAC has won public enquiries set up by the Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food against water authorities who have tried to ban night fishing and close season fishing for eels. We initiated the campaign against eel netter's in the early 1970s and at the same time began the national campaign to try and get anglers to return all eels to the water after capture, especially those over 2lb in weight. The age of an eel of 2lbs would be approximately 20 years of age.

          The majority of members fish for eels during the more prolific summer months, say April to October. But a few of us fish all year round on waters that can and do produce during the colder months.

          We try and organize at least two club outings a year, for usually a week- end. These trips give the members a chance to meet, swap ideas and generally have a great social time. There is also a winter social meeting during November were we try and organize a slide show or a talk and it is here the club trophies are awarded. These range from biggest eel, biggest eel on a club trip, awards for meritorious work for the club, and best article in the club mag. Also at these meeting we hold a club raffle with prizes donated by the members.
You don’t have to be a 4 night a week eel fisherman to be a member just enjoy catching eels and be passionate about their survival. Finally thanks to Jimmy Jolley for providing parts of this information.

Contact Details

Any questions regarding information on this page or if any missing links are found please contact

© 2025 - National Anguilla Club

Website design by Jason Webb

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